Princess Halliday paring suede jacket with a royal blue Hermes birkin Post author: Post published:March 3, 2016 Post category:FASHION She always looks stunning as usual! Tags: Empower Africa Initiative, fashion, female leaders, Leader, Princess Halliday, style, young and influential tv host Read more articles Previous PostFOOD OF THE DAY!! BEVERLY HILLS CA 90210 Next PostWHEN PEOPLE TELL YOU YOUR DREAM IS TOO BIG! You Might Also Like Congratulations to our friend on Empower Africa Initiative- Rob Riley June 26, 2016 Empower Africa Initiative/ESI-Service to Humanity June 1, 2016 When you educate a child, you educate communities, you educate the World-PRINCESS HALLIDAY July 4, 2016
When you educate a child, you educate communities, you educate the World-PRINCESS HALLIDAY July 4, 2016